Fees & Child Care Subsidy
Family Registration Fee
$50.00 per family
Permanent Booking Fees
Before school care: $29.00 per child
After school care: $34.00 per child
Como Before school care: $33.00 per child
(Inc Bus Fee)
Como After school care: $38.00 per child
(Inc Bus Fee)
Casual Booking Fees
Before school care: $31.00 per child
After school care $36.00 per child
Como Before school care: $35.00 per child
(Inc Bus Fee)
Como After school care $40.00 per child
(Inc Bus Fee)
Transport Fee
$4.00 per bus trip
Vacation Care Fees
$70.00 per day + incursion/excursion costs
Late Fee
$1.00 per minute per child after 6pm

Before & After School Care
Child Care Subsidy
To receive the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), you need to have a My Gov account set up with Centrelink and update your details within the My Gov Portal.
Please provide us with your family CRN and your child/children’s CRN if you wish to claim the CCS and ensure you have updated your details on your My Gov account.
Enrolment Forms
New Families
Are you hoping to enrol your child? Enrol online via Xplor with the link below.
Returning Families
Are you one of our existing families looking to re-enrol? Book in your children using the Xplor app.
Family Handbook
Everything you need to know about JBASC before enrolling your child can be found in our family handbook below.
Other Important Information
Registrations / Bookings
To register a child or make a booking, a parent needs to:
Register their child and complete online enrolment form
Once your enrolment has been processed, you will receive an invitation via email from Xplor to download their parent app. This will enable you to sign your child in/out with a QR code, manage your bookings, receive notifications, access your account and statement, confirm your Complying Written Agreement for CCS to be applied to your account.
Priority of Access as per the government guidelines below:
Priority 1: a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect
Priority 2: a child of a single parent who satisfies, or parents who both satisfy, the work/training/study test under Section 14 of the ‘A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999’.
Priority 3: any other child
Payment of Fees
Account details for payment of fees:
BSB: 032112
Account Number: 301218
Account Name: Jannali BASC
We have our own mini-bus, for the use of transporting children between JBASC and Como Public School.
For children attending Como Public School there is a cost of $4.00 per trip per child.
If your child/children require regular transport using the Centre bus please read and complete the form below.
Parent Involvement
Jannali BASC is a not-for-profit centre, managed by the Jannali Public School P&C Association Sub-Committee. P&C meetings are held in week 3 & 7 of each term at 6:00pm. Being a member of the P&C is a great way for parents and carers to be involved and have input to the centre to ensure the continuity of quality care of all our children.
Please contact jannalipandc@outlook.com for more information
Minimum staff to children ratios as per National Regulations are 1:15 on site and 1:8 on excursions.
There will be a minimum of two staff members at the centre during our hours of operation.
Dropping Off & Picking Up
All children must be signed in and signed out by a parent or guardian. The Responsible Person will not allow children to leave with anyone else unless parent or guardian has provided written permission. Persons picking up children must be over 18 years of age.
National Quality Frame Work
The National Quality Framework (NQF) provides a national approach to regulation, assessment and quality improvement for early childhood education and care and outside school hours care services across Australia.
The National Law and National Regulations are used to set the standard across Australia. They are both attached below.
If you require further information on this, you can visit the acecqa website.